Help me fix the roof of my house

I live in a protected area on the Navajo Tribal Park in Monument Valley. Because of these regulations and liabilities, Parks and Recreation department does not help the valley residents with home improvements. I have to fund my own renovations or rely on caring strangers and helpful non-profit organizations.

My mom's home was built in 1990. The roof shingles has been slowly tearing and blowing away for the last 10 years. It has become to the point that every time it rains, the ceiling leaks buckets of water! With the coming of winter, I need this roof repaired before too long.

Will you help me with some funds to buy the materials? I am so grateful for any amount that you can help me with. As an independent woman, asking for help is difficult but this maintenance is too high of a cost for me to handle alone.

Thank you "Ahe'heh" for your kind donations